The Citizen from Eight Villages in East Aifat Evacuated


KOTA SORONG, — Paulus Wakom, a young man from the East Aifat District revealed that people from eight villages in Maybrat have fled to the forest and some have fled to the closest villages that are considered safe since the end of April.

 “They sought refuge in a safer village. There are no residents who still live in the village. They all chose to leave the East Aifat District and look for a safe place,” Wakom told on Monday from East Aifat.

Paulus said the community chose to vacate the house and leave the village. The community was displaced because officers from the West Papua Regional Police conducted sweepings intending to finding and chasing the perpetrators of Brimob killers in Bintuni.  “I am now in Ayawasi Village. I left the village on Sunday (05/03/2020). I am the last person to make sure all the residents of eight villages, 100% have emptied their homes and left their villages to find a safer place, “said Paulus.

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Paulus explained people from eight villages had fled to find safer places. They sought refuge in villages that were safer and far from the security forces. He also revealed, there is an outstanding issue that said the Eastern Aifat Region would become a military operations area (DOM), causing panic in the resident itself. “Eight villages namely, Aisa, Aikrer, Sawim, Aitrem, Sahbuku, Wakom, Frabuku Sasior, Nasi Sasior. I am with my father, mother, younger brother, and other family we went to Ayawasi Village. Other families fled to Kumurkek, Susumuk, and other villages. We heard the outstanding issue that said the Eastern Aifat Region wants to become the DOM. That’s what makes people afraid and empty their homes and leave their respective villages, “he said.

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 He considered that until now the Maybrat government had not seriously resolved the dispute that had happened so that the community was in confusion and fear. Those who have fled to the forest have not returned and still survive choose to flee to other areas. “The Maybrat government has not seriously deal with this problem. People are confused and scared. The one who ran into the forest hasn’t returned yet. Which is still in the village. All have left the village. They went to areas there are families and safer, “he said.

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Meanwhile, Thomas Fatemiyo, head of the East Aifat District, said the community had mobilized to move to other villages far from East Aifat. He also said there would be a meeting from Deliberation Of Regional Leadership (MUSPIDA) at East Aifat to find solutions to resolve the problem. “It’s true, some people have mobilized to leave villages in the East Aifat district. Tomorrow, we will have a MUSPIDA meeting with the Regent, DPRD, TNI / PORLI, and other parties to find solutions to resolve the problems that are happening at the Aifat Timur Raya region “he said.

Announcer: Maria Baru

Editor: Arnold Belau

Translator : Imelda Kopeuw

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