BeritaIn Rejection Against Otsus March, One Was Shot and 13 Others Were...

In Rejection Against Otsus March, One Was Shot and 13 Others Were Arrested by the Authorities

JAYAPURA,—One (1) student was shot by the authorities while staging a demonstration against Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua. Including the authorities arrested thirteen (13) other students at Perumnas III Waena, Jayapura City, Tuesday (27/10/2020).

So far, thirteen student protesters who have been arrested are currently at the Abe Police, Jayapura city.

Emanuel Gobay, Director of LBH Papua said, in principle, the demonstration actions carried out by students are guaranteed in Law Number 9 of 1998. These provisions include the mechanism for conveying opinions and how the attitudes and actions of security forces in overseeing the implementation of freedom of expression.

Even though this is the stipulation, said Gobay, but in practice, the security apparatus in this case the TNI / Polri in Papua tends to ignore their main duties and functions in guarding independence in expressing opinions in public.

This fact was clearly seen in the peaceful march against the Papua Special Autonomy Law by Papuan Students on October 27, 2020 at Perumnas III Waena, which was blocked by joint security forces from the TNI and Polri.

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“In practice, the combined military and police apparatus used a violent approach, resulting in a period of action were gunshot wounds were injured and there were also several periods of action where the eyes stung from the shot of tear gas. Apart from that, there was also a detained period of action, ”said Gobay.

The protesters were heavily guarded by the armed forces. (Facebook – SP)

To note that the students who were detained, he said, there were approximately 13 people;

  1. Apniel Doo
  2. Jhon F Tebai
  3. Doni Pekei
  4. Yabet Likas Degei
  5. Meriko Kabak
  6. Orgis Kabak
  7. Carles Siep
  8. Ones Sama
  9. Yanias Mirin
  10. Arkilaus Lokon
  11. Kristianbus Degei
  12. Laban Heluka
  13. Ausilius Magai

Meanwhile, one of the protesters who became victims of the shooting on behalf of, Matias Soo.

He said, in the context of involving the TNI in securing this demonstration was also a question in itself. In order for TNI involvement to be legal, the police must show a request for assistance from security personnel to the TNI, if the fact is that involvement was carried out without a request letter, it can be concluded that the presence of the TNI in the rejection of the Special Autonomy Law today is illegal.

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“On that basis, we conclude that the security apparatus, in this case, the TNI / Polri, has misused the Anarchist Action Management Procedure for the peaceful Rejection of the Special Autonomy Law.”

“Based on this conclusion, it can be stated that the TNI / Polri violated the democratic rights of citizens, especially during the peaceful demonstration against the Special Autonomy Law which was guaranteed in Law Number 9 of 1998 concerning the freedom to express opinions in public.”

One of the protesters shot by the authorities during the action at Perumnas III Waena, Jayapura City, Tuesday 27/10/2020). (Facebook – SP)

Even though the fact that there were shooting victims, it clearly proved that the shooter had abused a firearm as prohibited in Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951.

Based on the description above, LBH Papua emphasized to;

  1. The National Police Chief Cq Kapolda Papua to order his subordinates to respect the democratic rights of citizens guaranteed in Law Number 9 of 1998, in accordance with the direction of Perkap Number 8 of 2009 concerning Implementation of Human Rights Standards and Principles in Police Duties.
  2. The Papua Police Chief immediately ordered the Jayapura Police Chief and the Abepura Police Chief to return the TNI and withdraw Polri troops from the scene of the action;
  3. The Papua Police Chief immediately ordered the Jayapura Police Chief and the Abepura Police Chief to release the 13 people who were arrested and being detained at the Abepura Police;
  4. The Papua Police Chief Cq the Jayapura Police Chief Cq the Abepura Police Chief immediately arrested and processed the security apparatus who carried out mass shooters as a form of implementation of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 and the principle of equality before the law.
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Reporter: Elisa Sekenyap


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