English1000 Candles for Victims of Racism in Deiyai, Papua

1000 Candles for Victims of Racism in Deiyai, Papua

JAYAPURA, SUARAPAPUA.com — The Deiyai Regency Student Communication Forum (FKM-KD) in Jayapura assemble 1000 candles to commemorate victims of racism in Deiyai, which took place on August 28, 2019.

The Coordinator of Law and Human Rights at FKM-KD for the Jayapura study city, Apniel Doo, said that the candlelight activity was carried out to commemorate the victims of racism in Deiyai. He said that as a student they would not remain silent to expose all issues of discrimination, oppression, arrest, intimidation, and even killings committed by law enforcement (Military/Police).

“We will sue the regional, provincial, and central governments. Because so far we have seen many issues of human rights and legal violations such as in Paniai on December, 7-8th 2014, Oneibo (Deiyai) bloody case on August 1st, 2017, and victims of Deiyai racism on August 28th, 2019,” said Apniel, Friday (8/28/2020).

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He hopes that the state can solve these problems, but if the state is unable to solve them, then it is better to let the West Papuan people decide their destiny.

The head of FKM-KD Deiyai, Yance Pakage, said that in this activity Deiyai students from the Jayapura study city wanted to see and reminisce about the victims of racism in Deiyai on August 28th, 2019, where there had been brutal shootings by joint forces of civilians. It is a victim of human rights violations.

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“It’s not the people fault, but the security apparatus. In that incident, 8 people were killed, 39 others were seriously injured,” he said.

He said, his party had assembled 1000 candles to commemorate the victims.

He added that the state must remember all human rights violations that have occurred in Papua, and must be thoroughly investigated.

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“Violations like this must be resolved thoroughly the existing laws in this country,” he said.

Yance explained that there were many human rights violations in Papua, and as a student, they would continue to remember the action of assembling 1000 candles.

“We don’t want the number of victims to increase in Papua again, we don’t want to hear racism the second or the third time anymore, just this time, enough” he asserted.


Reporter: Yance Agapa

Editor: Elisa Sekenyap


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