BeritaMinistry of Finance Officer, Mulait: The Way They See Us Is Still...

Ministry of Finance Officer, Mulait: The Way They See Us Is Still Racist

JAYAPURA,—The demand for returning the scholarship (study) fee of Veronica Koman, a human rights defender by the Government of Indonesia through the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia has finally been collected.

The funds were collected by the Papuan people in Papua, in Indonesia, and internationally, either through Ebamukai donations or other forms of donations which were then handed over to the LPDP.

The Ebamukai Solidarity Team for Veronica Koman, today, Wednesday (16/9/2020) visited the LPDP Office in Jakarta to pay back the scholarship funds, but even though the audience has requested earlier on for the submission which was 2 days ago, the LPDP Office was closed therefore representatives headed to the Ministry of Finance Office.

At the Ministry of Finance’s office, there were no representatives who met the Ebamukai solidarity team, so they headed to the Menkopolhukam Office to submit a number of documents and proof of the funds transferred to the LPDP account.

The document was handed over by Michael Himan, a Papuan human rights lawyer to the Kemenkopolhukam officer containing Red and White flag, a dime amounting to Rp1 million, the Special Autonomy Law.

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Michael Himan, Legal Counsel for Veronica Koman and Papuan students in Jakarta admitted that they were disappointed with the two institutions (LPDP and Ministry of Finance), because they did not accept their arrival.

“Today we came well and politely to hand over Veronica Koman’s scholarship repayment money, but we were not accepted by these two institutions which have been determined to return the money,” explained Himan to, Wednesday (16/9 / 2020).

He said this proved that the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia did not respect and act discriminatively and racist against the people who came to hand over Veronica scholarship funds.

“We only asked to lobby with the finance ministry, we were refused, the reason was that staff and leaders did not enter the office, even though there were many vehicles going in and out, many were active in the Ministry of Finance,” he said.

Finally, his party moved to the Kemenkopolhukam Office to submit all the documents. Starting from the printed payment list or transfer to the LPDP, the red and white flag, 1 million Rupiah as a symbol of returning the special autonomy funds, the Special Autonomy Law sheet as a symbol of the return of Otsus.

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Ambrosius Mulait, a former Papuan political prisoner, a representative of the Ebamukai Solidarity Team, admitted that he was annoyed by the actions of the security forces at the Ministry of Finance’s office which were considered racist. The employees there reject each other which makes them unable to meet anyone.

“We who were there got emotional by the way we were treated by security. We Papuans neatly and politely leave, but when they see Papuans coming they suddenly lock up the entrance gate. The way they see and treat us is still and pure racist, ”said Mulait.

Thus, the team admits that the state has no desire to solve the Papua problems, which is what they proved today. “The negotiations that we are doing are still not successful. They argue that because of our Covid we cannot enter, even though in the Ministry of Finance’s office there are many employees doing activities.”

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“Actually, what we want to convey is that what the state asks is not proportional to what the Papuan people give. The Indonesian government has a debt to the Papuan people that must settle. One of them is the history of the annexation of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia, which is up to date we continue to be victims still.”

“So Veronica is a nation that is aware and dedicates everything to the people of Papua. What is wrong with it? But the state through all its powers and authority limits everything Vero does. So actually what has been treated to Vero is the same as what has been treated to the Papuan people so far. So today the Papuan people are proving the work of Vero rather than the work of the Jokowi’s government.”

Mulait said that what the Papuan people are doing today is historical evidence and they will never forget that fighting for the dignity of the Papuan people must be paid lots of amounts.


Reporter: Yance Agapa

Editor: Elisa Sekenyap


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