BeritaPRP Peace Demonstration in Nabire, 200 Protesters Arrested

PRP Peace Demonstration in Nabire, 200 Protesters Arrested

JAYAPURA, — The spontaneous action of the Papuan People’s Petition (PRP) to reject Special Autonomy volume II in Nabire was dissolved and forcibly detained by police officers from the Nabire Police force, Papua, Thursday (24/9/2020).

From a brief report that received from the scene of the incident (TKP) in Nabire, more than 200 people were detained by the police at Nabire Police.

Ruben Magai, an orator at Meriam Hill who was also a mass at the demonstration said that from various points of gathering the masses in Nabire had previously been controlled by the police.

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“Until now, more than 200 protesters at various gathering points in Nabire have been transported to the Nabire police resort,” he said when contacted by, Thursday (24/9/20).

He said, there were three points that were taking action, namely at Meriam Hill, Bumi Wonorejo, and in front of the Nabire Police Resort.

“We demand that the 200 protesters must be released because they are innocent,” he said.

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Meanwhile, information source from Suara Papua in Nabire, who did not want to be named, said 25 people were detained from the Siriwini gathering point, Karang Tumaritis (15), Uswim Campus (16), Kalibobo (15), SP (90) and Kalisusu ( has not been recorded for a while).

“Yes, they silence the democratic spaces in Indonesia, even though that is guaranteed by the constitution in this country,” he said.

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He added that even though he was arrested, the action was still being rolled out at several points until now.

“There are two places where actions are still being carried out, such as in Bukit Meriam, Bumi, and in front of the Nabire Police Resort. We are doing all this to demand that more than 200 protesters detained by the police have to be released, “he added.


Reporter: Yance Agapa

Editor: Elisa Sekenyap


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