EnglishDelivery Empty Casket to Papua High Prosecutor Office By Students: RIP Indonesian...

Delivery Empty Casket to Papua High Prosecutor Office By Students: RIP Indonesian Law

JAYAPURA, SUARAPAPUA.com— In order to demand the release of seven Papuan Political Prisoners (Tapol) in East Kalimantan, the Papuan Student and People’s Solidarity (SMRP) staged an action while delivering an empty casket to the Papua High Prosecutor’s Office (Kejati), as a form of disappointment from Papuan people against law enforcement in Indonesia.

Iche Murib, the Action Coordinator, said that from the arrest, transfer, and trial process to the demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU) which, as issued on June 5, 2020, was considered to be very unfair and racial discrimination was still occurring against Papuans.

“That is very incriminating to the Papuan political prisoners with the threat of 17 years in prison for Mr. Buchtar Tabuni, 15 years in prison for Mr. Agus Kosay and Steven Itlay, then 10 years in prison for Alexander Gobay and Ferry Kombo and 5 years in prison for Hengki Hilapok and Irwanus Uropmabin,” said Iche Murib on Friday (6/12/20).

She explained all demands for the punishment were unfair to the people of Papua. Because, said Iche, when compared with the perpetrators of racist speeches in Surabaya on behalf of Andria Adiansyah (the accused of hate speech was only sentenced to 10 months in prison), then disseminating hoax information and provocation on behalf of Tri Susanti was only sentenced to 7 months in prison.

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Furthermore, Syamsul Arifin was a civil servant and another member of the TNI on behalf of Unang Rohana who shouted the word “Monkey” to Papuan students. Both are only sentenced to 3 and 1 month in prison respectively.

The law on this country very ironic against Papuans. Because she said until now there are still many Papuan Papuan Prisoners being held everywhere after the culmination of racism in the public community some time ago.

“One of them includes the Head of the ULMWP Political Bureau, Mr. Bazoka Logo who was detained since August 15, 2019, which until now has been threatened by contracting the coronavirus in a detention center,” she said.

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All of this has become a public spectacle both locally, nationally, and internationally, that the law in Indonesia is always unfair to Papuans wherever they are in the jurisdiction of Indonesia.

Therefore, said Iche, on this occasion we are consolidating in the Solidarity of Papuan Students and People (SMRP), on behalf of all the creatures that live on the land of Papua today we came to delivery the empty casket to the   Papua High Prosecutor’s Office (Kejati) to states that the Indonesian law, Pancasila dan democracy has been unfair to the people of Papua.

“Immediately release the seven Papuan political prisoners in East Kalimantan, including Mr. Bazooka Logo in Jayapura and all other Papuan political prisoners in Indonesia without conditions.

The people of Papua today are restless seeing all forms of ongoing legal injustice against Papuans in Indonesia. So don’t blame anyone, when the Papuan people themselves return to mobilize the masses to carry out the rejection of racism volume III in the near future, “she explained.

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For the information, according to  Suara Papua informer with the initial AR (26), the mass of activists gathered at the yard of the USTJ campus at 9.30 local time. Then before 10:00 am, the action mass began to move using public transportation to the point of action. At 11:20, the masses gathered and started a joint action to deliver an empty coffin which was painted “RIP Indonesian Law” to the Papua High Prosecutor’s Office.

After that, the action coordinator read a statement of attitude that was immediately accepted by the South Jayapura Police Chief, in front of the mass of action and the Papuan Prosecutors’ staff. After that, at 11:40 the action period broke up and returned to their respective homes.

Pewarta: Yance Agapa

Editor: Arnold Belau

Translator : Imelda Kopeuw


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