BeritaDPR Papua: TNI/Polri Apparatus Arrogant to Secure Mass Demonstration in Jayapura

DPR Papua: TNI/Polri Apparatus Arrogant to Secure Mass Demonstration in Jayapura

JAYAPURA,—The TNI and Polri security apparatus who was tasked to securing the peaceful demonstration against Otsus volume II at the Upper Uncen gate Waena and the Lower Uncen gate Abepura, Monday (28/9/2020) are considered arrogant even though the country adheres to democracy.

The demonstrators should have been given space and opportunity to convey the objectives of the action to the Papua provincial government.

Where in the action the mass of the demonstration consisting of students was beaten, dispersed after they were shot with tear gas, gunfire and the destruction of dozens of motorbikes belonging to Uncen students.

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This was conveyed by Nioluen Kotouki, a member of the Papua DPRP to reporters this afternoon, Monday (28/9/2020).

“I see that the agenda to be conveyed has no political content and it is actually the right of the students to speak, but the police have gone a bit too far, especially since they have issued tear gas and fired warning shots. This is very untrue and arrogant, ”he said.

He admitted that parties at the Papua DPRP regretted the actions of  TNI / Polri security apparatus against the protesters.

The Papuan DPRP hopes that the Governor of Papua, the Papua DRP and the Police will provide democracy lessons to educate the people, so that the existing rules are upheld.

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“Because after we look further more on the demonstrstion, there were beatings and throwing stones. This is if there is a victim who will be responsible, “he added.

The Papuan Student Solidarity Front action against Otsusu volume II and the study of Otsus from the Uncen institution was forcibly dispersed by fire from security forces (TNI and Polri).

In that incident, one student was injured as a result of the forced dispersal by security forces.

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Jayapura City Police Chief, AKBP. Gustav Urbinas said that demonstrations by students were not allowed, because the Papua Police Chief had emphasized that there should be no demonstrations in Papua during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We serve and supervise, do not provide access to go out into the public space because it will interfere with other community activities. If it is not managed properly, it will have an impact on crime and harm many people, so please give aspirations to his place, “said the Chief of Police.


Reporter: Agus Pabika

Editor: Elisa Sekenyap


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