EnglishRufinus Tigau was Shot for No Reason

Rufinus Tigau was Shot for No Reason

ENAGOTADI, SUARAPAPUA.com – The latest facts were revealed through the release of the shooting chronology of Rufinus Tigau, a Catholic catechist or preacher from the Bilogai Parish, Dekenat Moni-Puncak, Timika Diocese.

Timika Diocese revealed that according to witness statements in Jalae village, Sugapa district, Rufinus Tigau was shot dead by TNI members in Jalae village after answering questions from security forces, Monday (26/10/2020) morning.

“Members of the combined military/police apparatus asked about the house in front of them (Rufinus’ house) and who was in the house. After answering that those in his house were his wife, child, and an old mother, Rufinus was shot with several shots by the joint apparatus who asked, “quoted from a release from the Timika Diocese which was distributed to the media, November 1, 2020.

According to the security apparatus, as reported by a number of media, Rufinus fought back during the raid in Jalae village. This is different from the testimony of residents summarized by the Timika diocese.

Rufinus was also labeled a member of the KKSB (Armed Separatist Criminal Group). The term KKSB is commonly used by security forces to refer to the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB).

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Because he was accused of being involved in the KKSB group, the security forces recorded him as a “target”. In fact, Rufinus was mentioned as a member of the TPNPB.

The residents of Jalae denied this. According to residents, Rufinus Tigau was a church officer or catechist. Shot without any mistakes, without any good reason, only responds well to the joint forces after introducing his identity.

According to the Timika diocese’s report, Antonius and Julius were forced to dig a half meter deep hole to bury Rufinus.

Rufinus’ body was buried next to his house after being hit by several bullets belonging to the joint apparatus who carried out sweeping that morning in Jalae village. At around 14.00 WIT, the family dug the grave again to be buried properly, preceded by a short service.

The shooting took place after dawn at around 04.00 WIT, the sound of a series of weapons was heard. The sound of gunfire was heard for a long time, even as far as Bilogai.

Pastor Marthen Ekowaibi Kuayo, Pr, Diocesan Administrator for Timika Diocese, previously confirmed that Rufinus Tigau is the Catechist of Stase Jalae, St. Michael Bilogai. Rufinus was not involved in TPNPB activities in the Intan Jaya district.

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Sebby Sambon, a spokesman for the TPNPB, also denied his involvement in the Intan Jaya TPNPB.

Sebby Sambon, a spokesman for the TPNPB, also denied his involvement in the Intan Jaya TPNPB.

PKN STAK graduates

After completing high school, Rufinus Tigau continued his education in Jakarta. Precisely on the campus of the State Finance Polytechnic STAN (State College of Accountancy). This is because he was selected in the Papua Special Affirmation program.

During his education in the diploma one study program in the field of state finance at the official university under the Education and Training Agency of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, as reported by orangmudakatolik.net, he was classified as the calm and most diligent student.

Not only on campus, Rufinus is also active in various extracurricular activities. In addition to the OMK (Catholic Youth), he is diligent in PKN STAN Catholic Student Family (KMK) activities.

In fact, Rufinus was a member of the Way of the Living Cross tablo player at the Church of Sts Parish. Matthew Evangelist, Bintaro.

After finishing college in 2014 he chose to return home.

In this village, the young man was always active in religious activities. Until finally he was appointed as a catechist in 2015.

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Rufinus was appointed as a catechist by the parish priest of Saint Michael Bilogai, Father Yustinus Rahangiar, Pr. Rufinus replaces Catechist Frans Wandagau who died.

As a catechist, Rufinus helps the Pastor at Jalae Station because Pastor Yustinus and other priests serving the people in Jalae do not understand the local language and other matters related to the local cultural context.

Catechists Rufinus also usually serve in the Bilogai Parish Church during Christmas and Easter celebrations. The main task is translating the content of the Pastor’s sermon into the local language (Migani). That way Catholics who don’t know Indonesian can easily understand the delivery of sermons or reflections in celebration of worship.

“After we finished college, Rufinus Tigau returned to Sugapa, Intan Jaya. He became a catechist or preacher in the Diocese of Timika to help Pastors in Bilogai parish. He translates catechesis material into their language, “said Salomina Gobay, a classmate at PKN STAN.

“Rufinus also serves people in his village. Rufinus is an educated young man from his village. ”


Reporter: Markus You


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