Jakarta Shouldn’t Force to Continue The Special Autonomy Bill of  Law II


JAYAPURA, SUARAPAPUA.com — The central government should not impolse Papuans people to accept the continuity of Bill of Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 21 Year 2001 on Special Autonomy for Papua Vol. 02. Firstly, Central government should think and act smart, clear and wise to resolve the root of conflicts between Jakarta and Papua.

This was stipulated by Sepi Wanimbo, the Chairman of Papua Baptist Youth through a press release sent to suarapapua.com on Wednesday (07/08/2020), Jayapura, Papua.

Sepi stipulated that the goals of Special Autonomy Law for Papua was written clearly with goals of improving education, health, economy and welfare for the people of Papua. But the reality which have been happening are only suffering for the people of Papua.”

“Special Autonomy Bill of Law No. 21 of 2001 contain articles which has given guarantees and hopes for Papua. Those promises and agreements set forth under the mandate of the Republic of Indonesia constitution to protect and to recognise the basic rights of Indigenous People of Papuan. But, the realisation of those promisees of empowerment and standing for Papuans has failed miserably and it truly creates disappointment and deep anxiety for Papua Indigenous People (OAP) , “He said.

He asserted, in the Special Autonomy era many Indigenous Papuans were killed by Indonesian National Army and police, state security apparatus and the perpetrators had never been prosecuted for justice for victims’ families. Whereas the Republic of Indonesia adheres to the values of Pancasila and Unity in Diversity, but the values of justice, honesty, truth that are never revealed and never honestly established.


“The people in Papua have no longer trusted the Indonesian Government in their policies, because Papuans have been wrong in the eyes of the law even though they are right. We see the reality today that racism and injustice are growing and rooted in the Special Autonomy Vol. I era as evidenced by the events of racism that occurred on 15-17 August 2019 in Semarang, Malang and Yogyakarta which were carried out by radical mass organizations such as; FRONT Islamic Defenders (FPI), Pemuda Pancasila (PP), members of the army and the Communist Community Forum – Putri Retired TNI (FKPP), “he said.

Sepi Wanimbo added, the root cause of the conflict between Jakarta and Papua is very clear, not only from now on, but since 1960’s.: state violence and human rights violations have yet to be resolved, Papua history and political status, the failure development of education, health and the people’s economy, discriminalization and marginalization of indigenous Papuans.

“I think the Indonesia Government has wonderfull capacity of conflict resolution because Indonesia already has good experience in resolving conflicts in Aceh through a one-table dialogue negotiating with GAM in Aceh and Indonesia to resolve the Achech onflict ended. Based on this experience, we ask for dialogue as the only best way or the right solution to presence peace to Papua in accordance with expectations and prayers” he said.

Furthermore, former Vice President Yusuf Kalla played an active role in supporting dialogue between Indonesia and GAM (Free Achech Movement) which was mediated internationally. Therefore we ask for Indonesian Government to arrange a dialogue with ULMWP mediated by a neutral third party.

Previously, Minister of Domestic Affairs Tito Karnavian said that there are two mechanisms for the extension of the Papua Special Autonomy fund which would expire next year. The first step is to register these in national legislation programs

“We have proposed to commission II to register ir in the 2020 National Legislation Program. So we will use the bottom up and top down mechanism,” Minister of Home Affairs Tito said in Vice President’s office, Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara, Central Jakarta , Wednesday (5/2).

According to Tito, the bottom up mechanism is to listen to Papuan aspirations as to what proposals to accelerate the development of their region. Then to top down, it is with the government to prioritize the aspirations that are accommodated during under the NKRI framework.

“Whatever the idea is as far as for the development of Papua, we will certainly accommodate,” Tito convinced.

Announcer: Agus Pabika

Editor: Arnold Belau

Translator: Imelda Kopeuw

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