JAYAPURA, SUARAPAPUA.com — The Governor of Papua was asked to immediately withdraw the recommendation letter regarding the Block B Wabu special mining business permit (WIUPK), Intan Jaya district, with letter number 540/11625 / SET issued July 24, 2020 in Jayapura.
This urge was expressed by Melianus Duwitau, coordinator of the Wabu Intan Jaya Block B Mining Refusal Team, Sunday (25/10/2020).
“The people of Intan Jaya from 8 districts firmly reject the mining company. We have collected more than 50 signatures for rejecting the company’s plan to enter Block B Wabu. There are tribal leaders (traditional leaders), religious leaders, and several district heads there, all of whom have refused, ”he said.
The aspirations for rejection, said Melianus, had been submitted several days ago to various related parties in Papua province.
“We have submitted the mining rejection letter to the Governor of Papua through the Assistant General Bureau II, also to the chairman of the MRP, Pak Timotius Murib, to the chairman of Commission IV DPRP, the chairman of the DPRP and to Mr. Fred Boray as the head of the Papua ESDM service,” he explained.
According to him, the Intan Jaya area is very unsuitable for being used as a mining area considering that geographical factors and the lives of local people always depend on the availability of nature.
“The area is prone to landslides there. People live by gardening and hunting. Moreover, there every river from downstream to the estuary is the most fertile planting place. So, we refused the company from entering there. Then new regions develop, human resources are not ready, then where do you want to use personnel? The governor stopped making the Intan Jaya community more hurt. Right now people are still sad about the bloody incidents in Intan Jaya, “said Duwitau.
Prior to exploitation in Block B Wabu Intan Jaya, he asked the state to immediately resolve human rights violations committed by PT Freeport Indonesia against customary rights owners and flora and fauna.
“The governor will first resolve human rights cases in Mimika, reforestation of debts that have been spent by Freeport, cases of violence against land-owners are resolved first before allowing Wabu Block B to operate,” he said.
He also considered that the prolonged conflict in Intan Jaya was a structured state process to safeguard capitalist interests and facilitate the entry of investors.
“Actually, there were massive military dropouts, then made many cases of violence against civilians, servants of God, rape, all of this so that traumatized people and investors could easily get in to get gold. Everyone is following this. The state must withdraw troops from Intan Jaya, ”insisted Melianus.
Previously, Pater Marthen Kuayo, Pr, Diocesan Administrator for Timika Diocese, emphasized that if the Governor of Papua really recommended it, he was asked to immediately revoke it.
“There is a recommendation for a special permit in the Wabu Block signed by the Governor of Papua on June 24, 2020, please revoke this letter, if it is indeed issued by the Governor of Papua,” he said, Sunday (11/10/2020) at the KSK Nabire Church, reported by jubi.com.
Pater Kuayo is worried that if the company enters Wabu, where will the native Intan Jaya go? This is because, he said, only in that area the indigenous people can survive such as farming and hunting.
“I have been serving at Intan Jaya for seven years as a pastor, I know exactly that location. The location belongs to the Belau, Japugau, and Sondegau clans. If the company takes the area, where are the people going? ”He said while regretting the possibility of bad impacts in the future.
The rejection of the WIUP recommendation letter was emphasized by the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) of Kodap VIII Kemabu Intan Jaya led by Brigadier General Sabinus Waker.
“The Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe, must immediately withdraw the recommendation letter,” said the spokesman for the Rimba Lawingga Forest, Sunday (25/10/2020).
The Governor of Papua’s recommendation letter is known to have been given to the chief director of Mining Industry Indonesia (Mind Id) in Jakarta. This company is allowed to operate in a state reserve area with an area of approximately 40 hectares previously explored by PT Freeport Indonesia.
Reporter: Januarius Weya
Editor: Markus You