JAYAPURA, SUARAPAPUA.com—Papuan students in Makassar who are members of the Solidarity Forum Caring for the Papuan People were pelted with stones and beaten by members of the Ormas when they were about to hold a peaceful demonstration on the rejection of Otsus volume II and hold a referendum.
Marko Pahabol, the action coordinator told suarapapua.com on Friday (25/9/2020) said that one day before the action was carried out, on Thursday night, officers from the Makassar Police came to the Papua Dormitory and asked to postpone the action plan.
However, Marko said, on Friday morning at around 7.10 WITA, the students remained committed to holding an action, where students began to gather at the Papua Dormitory in Makassar.
“Since morning there were a lot of unknown people in the dormitory. There are also plainclothes officers in front of the Papuan dormitory. At 08:30 WITA, the police in full uniform and several Brimob arrived. After all periods of the action gathered, the action started at 09:30 WITA. The action period started out from the point of action (dormitory) but was blocked in front of the dormitory fence. ”
“By closing the gate by about five officers dressed like thugs. At around 09.40 WITA, the Field Coordinator gave directions to the demonstration period to continue the action towards the main road at the Mandala Monument, ”explained Marko.
At around 09.45 WITA, said Marko, a stone was thrown from the back of the action and hit one of the Papuan students. Not long after that, the action period was intercepted by one member of the Ormas and other members of the mass organization shouting slogans of NKRI.
“After that, many members of Ormas began to attack from various sides until the action period resigned and were divided into two groups. After that Field Coordinator (Korlap) was pulled and hit with a helmet and hit the right side and it was torn bleeding and then there was an action of pushing each other. We reunited into one group, but they were still being pushing occurred. ”
“There was negligence from the security apparatus, which led to harassment of the two periods of women’s actions. After that, the protest period was still being pushed, beaten, and pelted by the mass organization mediated by the Police and Brimob until they entered the Papua Makassar Dormitory. ”
Marko mengatakan, ada 9 mahasiswa yang mengenai lemparan batu, dipukuli dengan helm, pelecehan seksual terhadap kawan-kawan mahasiswi dan sejumlah handphone dan topi diambil.
Rincian mahasiswa yang dipukul dan dilempari baru. Termasuk jumlah aparat TNI/Polri dan anggota Ormas yang menghadang dan melakukan pemukulan terhadap mahasiswa Papua.
After that, said Marko, the action period continued the speeches inside the dormitory fence until the reading of the statement was at approximately 10:40 WITA and after that, the action period disbanded.
Marko said that there were 9 students who hit throwing stones, beaten with helmets, sexually harassed fellow students, and took their cellphones and hats.
Details of students who were hit and pelted recently. Including the number of TNI / Polri officers and members of Ormas who intercepted and beat Papuan students.
- Marko (21 years): Wound on the right temple and blue elbow.
- BN (19 years): Swollen hands, wound on the ring finger, and torn clothes. Oppo cellphone was taken.
- Yelfin (18 years): Scratches the right side of the face.
- PB (22 years): Scuff scratches the neck.
- WK (20 years): There was harassment by touching a student’s chest and being pulled.
- AG (20 years): The wound under the right eye and the wound on the right ear. Items are taken, HP Oppo, BK hat, sandals.
- DW (20 years): There was abuse on the chest.
- I (22 yrs): laceration beside left neck.
- Mandela (25 years): hit by a stone-throwing the left foot from behind.
TNI/Polri and ORMAS
A total of 43 members of the Police and 23 members of Brimob, 25 officers dressed in plain clothes, 4 members of the TNI, and 27 members of Ormas.
A total of 4 Dalmas sedans and 17 Brimob motorbikes.
Pewarta: Elisa Sekenyap